// ------------------------------- // // -------- Start of File -------- // // ------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // C++ Source Code File Name: testprog.cpp // Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC // Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team // File Creation Date: 02/04/1997 // Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016 // Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Program used to test the allocation of large database blocks. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // #include "gxdlcode.h" #if defined (__USE_ANSI_CPP__) // Use the ANSI Standard C++ library #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Use unqualified names for Standard C++ library #else // Use the old iostream library by default #include <iostream.h> #endif // __USE_ANSI_CPP__ #include "gxdbase.h" #include "gxdstats.h" void PausePrg() { cout << "\n"; cout << "Press enter to continue..." << "\n"; cin.get(); } int main() { gxDatabase *f = new gxDatabase; if(!f) { cout << "Error allocating memory for database object" << "\n"; return 1; } const char *fname = "bigblk.gxd"; f->Create(fname); if(CheckError(f) != 0) { delete f; return 1; } __UWORD__ xl_block = 10000000; // 10Meg bytes __UWORD__ el_block = 1000000; // 1Meg bytes __UWORD__ vl_block = 100000; // 100K bytes __UWORD__ l_block = 10000; // 10K bytes cout << "Testing the allocation/removal of large blocks." << "\n"; cout << "WARNING: This test will require 12 Meg of disk space." << "\n"; cout << "Press Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort..." << "\n"; cin.get(); cout << "\n"; cout << "Allocating " << xl_block << " bytes..." << "\n"; FAU_t addr = f->Alloc(xl_block); f->CalcChecksum(xl_block, addr); cout << "Removing the block..." << "\n"; f->Remove(addr); PausePrg(); DatabaseStats(f); PausePrg(); cout << "Allocating " << el_block << " bytes..." << "\n"; addr = f->Alloc(el_block); f->CalcChecksum(el_block, addr); cout << "Removing the block..." << "\n"; f->Remove(addr); PausePrg(); DatabaseStats(f); PausePrg(); cout << "Allocating " << vl_block << " bytes..." << "\n"; addr = f->Alloc(vl_block); f->CalcChecksum(vl_block, addr); cout << "Removing the block..." << "\n"; f->Remove(addr); PausePrg(); DatabaseStats(f); PausePrg(); cout << "Allocating " << l_block << " bytes..." << "\n"; addr = f->Alloc(l_block); f->CalcChecksum(l_block, addr); cout << "Removing the block..." << "\n"; f->Remove(addr); PausePrg(); DatabaseStats(f); PausePrg(); cout << "Exiting..." << "\n"; f->Close(); if(CheckError(f) != 0) { delete f; return 1; } delete f; return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------- // // --------- End of File --------- // // ------------------------------- //