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// -------- Start of File -------- //
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// C++ Source Code File Name: grocery.cpp
// Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC
// Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team
// File Creation Date: 09/18/1997
// Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016
// Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development
// ----------------------------------------------------------- // 
// ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // 
// ----------------------------------------------------------- // 
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  

This is a test program use to test the Persistent base class.
// ----------------------------------------------------------- //   
#include "gxdlcode.h"

#include "grocery.h"

GroceryKey::GroceryKey() : DatabaseKeyB((char *)&key)
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_NAME_LENGTH; i++) 
    key.object_name[i] = 0;
  key.object_id = (gxObjectID)0;
  key.class_id = (gxClassID)0;

GroceryKey::GroceryKey(const char *name, gxObjectID oid, gxClassID cid) : 
  DatabaseKeyB((char *)&key)
  strncpy(key.object_name, name,  MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
  key.object_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; // Ensure null termination
  key.object_id = oid;
  key.class_id = cid;

int GroceryKey::operator==(const DatabaseKeyB& k) const
  const GroceryKey *kptr = (const GroceryKey *)(&k);
  int rv = strcmp(key.object_name, kptr->key.object_name);
  return rv == 0;

int GroceryKey::operator>(const DatabaseKeyB& k) const
  const GroceryKey *kptr = (const GroceryKey *)(&k);
  int rv = strcmp(key.object_name, kptr->key.object_name);
  return rv > 0;

int GroceryKey::CompareKey(const DatabaseKeyB& k) const
// NOTE: This comparison function is only used if the 
// __USE_SINGLE_COMPARE__ preprocessor directive is 
// defined when the program is compiled.
  const GroceryKey *kptr = (const GroceryKey *)(&k);
  int rv = strcmp(key.object_name, kptr->key.object_name);
  return rv;

void GroceryKey::SetObjectName(const char *s)
  strncpy(key.object_name, s,  MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
  key.object_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; // Ensure null termination

void Grocery::ClearName()
// Clears the name string.
  if(name) delete name; // Assumes the name string was allocated dynamically 
  name = null_name;

__UWORD__ Grocery::ObjectLength()
  return sizeof(stock_number) + sizeof(price) + StringFileLength(name);

gxDatabaseError Grocery::Write()
  gxObjectHeader oh;

  // Allocate a block in the data file for this object's data
  objectaddress = pod->OpenDataFile()->Alloc(ObjectLength() +
  // Check for any allocation errors
  if(objectaddress == (FAU_t)0) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();
  oh.ClassID = GetClassID();
  oh.ObjectID = objectaddress;

  // Write the object header to the datafile
  if(WriteObjectHeader(oh)!= gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();
  // Write the item name to the data file
  if(WriteString(name) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();
  // Write the item's stock number to the data file
  if(pod->OpenDataFile()->Write(&stock_number, sizeof(stock_number)) !=
     gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();

  // Write the item's price to the data file
  if(pod->OpenDataFile()->Write(&price, sizeof(price)) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();

  // Write a 32-bit CRC checksum for the object
  // NOTE: This step should only be preformed if the application
  // requires the use of persistent checksum values.
  if(pod->GetDataFileError() != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();

  // Add the entry to the Index file
  if(UsingIndex()) {
    GroceryKey key((const char *)name, oh.ObjectID, oh.ClassID);
    GroceryKey compare_key;
    if(!AddKey(key, compare_key)) {
      return pod->GetIndexFileError();

  return gxDBASE_NO_ERROR;

gxDatabaseError Grocery::Read(FAU object_address)
  gxObjectHeader oh;

  // Optimize seeks during intervening reads
  if(pod->GetDataFileError() != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();
  if(ReadObjectHeader(oh, object_address) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();
  // Incorrect object type
  // NOTE: This step should only be preformed if class ID values
  // are required by the application.
  if(oh.ClassID != GetClassID()) {
    return pod->SetDataFileError(gxDBASE_BAD_CLASS_ID);
  // Read the object's name and check for errors
  Name_t nbuf = (Name_t)ReadString();
  if(!nbuf) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();
  else {
    name = nbuf;
  // Read the object's stock number
  if(pod->OpenDataFile()->Read(&stock_number, sizeof(stock_number)) !=
     gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();

  // Read the object's price
  if(pod->OpenDataFile()->Read(&price, sizeof(price)) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
    return pod->GetDataFileError();

  objectaddress = object_address;

  return gxDBASE_NO_ERROR;

int Grocery::Find()
  // Search the index file for this entry
  if(UsingIndex()) {
    GroceryKey key((const char *)this->name);
    GroceryKey compare_key;
    if(!FindKey(key, compare_key)) return 0;
    objectaddress = key.ObjectID();
    return 1; // Found the index file entry

  // If not using index file search the data file
  Grocery grocery;
  FAU_t oa;          // Object Address
  gxBlockHeader gx;  // Block Header
  gxObjectHeader oh; // Object Header
  FAU_t gxdfileEOF = pod->OpenDataFile()->GetEOF();
  FAU_t addr = (FAU_t)0;
  addr = pod->OpenDataFile()->FindFirstBlock(addr); // Search the entire file

  if(addr == (FAU_t)0) return 0; // No database blocks found in file

  grocery.name = this->name;
  grocery.stock_number = this->stock_number;
  grocery.price = this->price;

  while(1) { 
    if(FAU_t(addr + pod->OpenDataFile()->BlockHeaderSize()) >= gxdfileEOF) 
    if(pod->OpenDataFile()->Read(&gx, sizeof(gxBlockHeader), addr) !=
       gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
      return 0;
    if(gx.block_check_word == gxCheckWord) {
      if((__SBYTE__)gx.block_status == gxNormalBlock) {
	oa = addr + pod->OpenDataFile()->BlockHeaderSize();
	if(ReadObjectHeader(oh, oa) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
	  return 0;
	if(oh.ClassID == GetClassID()) { 
	  if(Read(oa) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) {
	    return 0;
	  if(strcmp(name, grocery.name) == 0) {
	    objectaddress = oa;
	    return 1; // Found unique data member
      addr = addr + gx.block_length; // Goto the next database block
    else {
      addr++; // Keep searching until a valid database block is found

  // Reset the objects data
  this->name = grocery.name;
  this->stock_number = grocery.stock_number;
  this->price = grocery.price;
  return 0; // Could not find 

int Grocery::Delete()
  if(UsingIndex()) {
    GroceryKey key((const char *)this->name);
    GroceryKey compare_key;
    if(!FindKey(key, compare_key)) return 0; // Could not find the key
    objectaddress = key.ObjectID();
    if(!DeleteObject(objectaddress)) return 0; // Could not delete the object
    if(!DeleteKey(key, compare_key)) return 0; // Could not delete the key
    return 1; // The index and data file entry was deleted

  // If not using index file search the data file
  if(!Find()) return 0; // Could not find the data file entry
  if(DeleteObject(objectaddress)) return 0; // Could not delete the object

  // The object was deleted from the data file
  return 1;

int Grocery::CompareIndex(unsigned index_number)
// Compares the data file to the index file.
// Returns true if data and index file match.
  if(!UsingIndex()) return 0;

  Grocery grocery(pod);
  GroceryKey key, compare_key;
  FAU_t oa;          // Object Address
  gxBlockHeader gx;  // Block Header
  gxObjectHeader oh; // Object Header
  int objects = 0; // Keeps track of good database blocks
  int matches = 0; // Keep track of matches
  FAU_t gxdfileEOF = pod->OpenDataFile()->GetEOF();
  FAU_t addr = (FAU_t)0;
  addr = pod->OpenDataFile()->FindFirstBlock(addr); // Search the entire file

  if(addr == (FAU_t)0) return 0; // No database blocks found in file

  while(1) { 
    if(FAU_t(addr + pod->OpenDataFile()->BlockHeaderSize()) >= gxdfileEOF) 
    pod->OpenDataFile()->Read(&gx, sizeof(gxBlockHeader), addr);
    if(gx.block_check_word == gxCheckWord) {
      if((__SBYTE__)gx.block_status == gxNormalBlock) {
	oa = addr + pod->OpenDataFile()->BlockHeaderSize();
	ReadObjectHeader(oh, oa);

	if(oh.ClassID == GetClassID()) { 
	  objects++; // Increment the object count
	  if(FindKey(key, compare_key, index_number)) {
	    matches++; // Index and data file match
      addr = addr + gx.block_length; // Go to the next database block
    else {
      addr++; // Keep searching until a valid database block is found

  return objects == matches;

int Grocery::RebuildIndexFile(const char *fname, unsigned index_number,
      			      int num_trees, BtreeNodeOrder_t node_order)
  if(!UsingIndex()) return 0;

  GroceryKey key, compare_key;
  gxBtree btx(key, node_order); 
  if(btx.Create(fname, num_trees) != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) return 0;
  Grocery grocery(pod);
  FAU_t oa;          // Object Address
  gxBlockHeader gx;  // Block Header
  gxObjectHeader oh; // Object Header
  int objects = 0; // Keeps track of good database blocks
  int inserts = 0; // Keep track of inserts
  FAU_t gxdfileEOF = pod->OpenDataFile()->GetEOF();
  FAU_t addr = (FAU_t)0;
  addr = pod->OpenDataFile()->FindFirstBlock(addr); // Search the entire file

  if(addr == (FAU_t)0) return 0; // No database blocks found in file

  while(1) { 
    if(FAU_t(addr + pod->OpenDataFile()->BlockHeaderSize()) >= gxdfileEOF) 
    pod->OpenDataFile()->Read(&gx, sizeof(gxBlockHeader), addr);
    if(gx.block_check_word == gxCheckWord) {
      if((__SBYTE__)gx.block_status == gxNormalBlock) {
	oa = addr + pod->OpenDataFile()->BlockHeaderSize();
	ReadObjectHeader(oh, oa);
	if(oh.ClassID == GetClassID()) { 
	  objects++; // Increment the object count

	  grocery.ClearName(); // Prevent any memory leaks
	  // Could not add the key
	  if(!btx.Insert(key, compare_key)) return 0;
	  inserts++; // Index and data file match
      addr = addr + gx.block_length; // Go to the next database block
    else {
      addr++; // Keep searching until a valid database block is found
  return objects == inserts;
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