// ------------------------------- // // -------- Start of File -------- // // ------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // C++ Source Code File Name: testprog.cpp // Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC // Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team // File Creation Date: 09/18/1997 // Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016 // Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Test program for the InfoHog database API. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // #include "gxdlcode.h" #if defined (__USE_ANSI_CPP__) // Use the ANSI Standard C++ library #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Use unqualified names for Standard C++ library #else // Use the old iostream library by default #include <iostream.h> #endif // __USE_ANSI_CPP__ #include "fstring.h" #include "infohog.h" #include "gxfloat.h" #include "ustring.h" #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ #include "leaktest.h" #endif // Type definitions typedef FString Name_t; // String type typedef gxFLOAT64 Price_t; // Floating point type typedef gxINT32 StockNumber_t; // Integer type void PausePrg() // Function used to pause the program. { cout << "\n"; cout << "Press enter to continue..." << "\n"; cin.get(); } void ClearInputStream(istream &s) // Function used to clear the input stream. { char c; s.clear(); while(s.get(c) && c != '\n') { ; } } int Quit() { cout << "Exiting..." << "\n"; return 0; } void InputData(Name_t &key) // Function used to read a string from the input stream. { cout << "Item name: "; cin >> key; } void DisplayItem(InfoHog<Name_t> &infohog, int full = 1) // Function used to print a infohog list object to the stdout. { cout << "\n"; if(infohog.GetMember(0)) { cout << "Item Name = " << (char *)infohog.GetMember(0) << "\n"; } if(full) { if(infohog.GetMember(1)) { cout << "Stock Number = " << *((StockNumber_t *)infohog.GetMember(1)) << "\n"; } if(infohog.GetMember(2)) { cout.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); cout.precision(2); cout << "Price = $" << *((Price_t *)infohog.GetMember(2)) << "\n"; } } } void PrintBtreeHeader(POD *DB, unsigned index_number) { gxBtreeHeader hdr; UString intbuf; DB->Index(index_number)->ReadBtreeHeader(hdr); cout << "B-tree header information" << "\n"; cout << "Node order: " << hdr.node_order << "\n"; cout << "Key size: " << hdr.key_size << "\n"; cout << "Number of nodes: " << hdr.n_nodes << "\n"; cout << "B-tree height: " << hdr.btree_height << "\n"; intbuf << clear << (FAU_t)hdr.root; cout << "Root Address: " << intbuf.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Number of trees: " << hdr.num_trees << "\n"; cout << "\n"; } void Menu() // Console based user menu. { cout << "(A, a) Add object to the database" << "\n"; cout << "(B, b) Build a test database" << "\n"; cout << "(C) Change data members" << "\n"; cout << "(c) Change object" << "\n"; cout << "(D, d) Delete object from the database" << "\n"; cout << "(F, f) Find item by name" << "\n"; cout << "(L, l) List without using index file" << "\n"; cout << "(H, h, ?) Help (prints this menu)" << "\n"; cout << "(I, i) List using the index file" << "\n"; cout << "(Q, q) Quit" << "\n"; cout << "(S, s) Display B-tree stats" << "\n"; cout << "(X, x) Compare the index file to the data file" << "\n"; cout << "(Y, y) Rebuild the index file" << "\n"; } void BuildDatabase(POD *DB) // Function used to build a test database. { // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); const int NUM_OBJECTS = 1000; int i = 0; InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); char name[InfoHogNameLength]; StockNumber_t stock_number = (StockNumber_t)2000; Price_t price = (Price_t)0.95; cout << "Adding " << NUM_OBJECTS << " objects to the database..." << "\n"; for(i = 0; i < NUM_OBJECTS; i++) { sprintf(name, "Item-%i", i); stock_number += i; price += i; Name_t key(name); if(!infohog.SetMember(&key, sizeof(key), 0)) { cout << "Could not set data member 0" << "\n"; return; } if(!infohog.SetMember(&stock_number, sizeof(stock_number), 1)) { cout << "Could not set data member 1" << "\n"; return; } if(!infohog.SetMember(&price, sizeof(price), 2)) { cout << "Could not set data member 2" << "\n"; return; } if(!infohog.WriteObject()) { cout << "Could not add object number " << i << " to the database" << "\n"; return; } } // Flush the database files after a batch insert DB->Flush(); } void ListInOrder(POD *DB, unsigned index_number) // List the contents of the database using the index file. { // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); InfoHogKey<Name_t>key, compare_key; gxBtree *btx = DB->Index(index_number); // Walk through the tree starting at the first key if(btx->FindFirst(key)) { if(!infohog.ReadObject(key.ObjectID())) { cout << "Error reading the object" << "\n"; return; } DisplayItem(infohog); while(btx->FindNext(key, compare_key)) { if(!infohog.ReadObject(key.ObjectID())) { cout << "Error reading the object" << "\n"; return; } DisplayItem(infohog); } } } void ListInOrder(POD *DB) // List contents of the database without using the index file. { // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); FAU_t addr = (FAU_t)0; InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); unsigned count = 0; ClearInputStream(cin); // Clear input stream while(1) { addr = DB->OpenDataFile()->FindFirstObject(addr); if(!addr) break; if(!infohog.ReadObject(addr)) { cout << "Error reading the object" << "\n"; return; } DisplayItem(infohog); count++; if(count == 2) { PausePrg(); count = 0; } } } void AddItem(POD *DB) // Function used to add an object to the database. { // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); Name_t key; InputData(key); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); infohog.SetMember(&key, sizeof(key), 0); int exists = infohog.FindObject(); if(exists) { cout << "Item: " << key << " already exists" << "\n"; return; } int stock_number; double price; cout << "Enter the items's stock number: "; cin >> stock_number; if(cin) { StockNumber_t sn = stock_number; infohog.SetMember(&sn, sizeof(StockNumber_t), 1); cout << "Enter the items's price: $"; cin >> price; } else { cout << "Invalid entry. Object not added!" << "\n"; return; } if(cin) { Price_t p = price; infohog.SetMember(&p, sizeof(Price_t), 2); } else { cout << "Invalid entry. Object not added!" << "\n"; return; } ClearInputStream(cin); if(!infohog.WriteObject()) { cout << "Could not add object to the database" << "\n"; } DB->Flush(); // Flushing the database buffers following manual insertion } void DeleteItem(POD *DB) // Function used to delete an object from the database. { // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); Name_t key; InputData(key); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); infohog.SetMember(&key, sizeof(key), 0); if(!infohog.DeleteObject()) { cout << "Could not find item: " << key << " in the database" << "\n"; return; } cout << "Deleted item: " << key << "\n"; DB->Flush(); // Flushing the database buffers following manual deletion } void FindItem(POD *DB) // Function used to find an object in the database. { // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); Name_t key; InputData(key); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); infohog.SetMember(&key, sizeof(key), 0); if(!infohog.FindObject()) { cout << "Could not find item: " << key << " in the database" << "\n"; return; } cout << "Found item: " << key << "\n"; if(!infohog.ReadObject()) { cout << "Error reading the object" << "\n"; return; } DisplayItem(infohog); } void Compare(POD *DB) // Function used to compare the contents of the data file to the // index file. { if(!DB->UsingIndex()) { cout << "This database is not using the indexing sub-system" << "\n"; return; } // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); cout << "\n"; cout << "Comparing the index file to the data file..." << "\n"; int rv = infohog.CompareIndex(0); if(!rv) { cout << "The index file does not match the data file!" << "\n"; cout << "The index file needs to be rebuilt." << "\n"; cout << "\n"; return; } cout << "The index file checks good" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; } void Rebuild(POD *DB, const char *fname) // Function used to rebuild the index file if the index file // entries no longer match the data file entries. { if(!DB->UsingIndex()) return; // Ensure that the in memory buffers and the file data // stay in sync during multiple file access. DB->TestDatabase(); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); cout << "\n"; cout << "Rebuilding the index file..." << "\n"; // Rebuild index number 0 int rv = infohog.RebuildIndexFile(fname, 0, InfoHogNumTrees, InfoHogNodeOrder); if(!rv) { cout << "The index file was not rebuilt!" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; return; } cout << "The index file was rebuilt." << "\n"; cout << "A new index file named " << fname << " was created."; cout << "\n"; } void ChangeItem(POD *DB, int change_object = 1) { Name_t key; InputData(key); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog(DB); infohog.SetMember(&key, sizeof(key), 0); if(!infohog.FindObject()) { cout << "Could not find item: " << key << " in the database" << "\n"; return; } cout << "Found item: " << key << "\n"; if(!infohog.ReadObject()) { cout << "Error reading the object" << "\n"; return; } DisplayItem(infohog); ClearInputStream(cin); cout << "Entering changes to this object..." << "\n"; Name_t new_key; InputData(new_key); InfoHog<Name_t> infohog_new(DB); infohog_new.SetMember(&new_key, sizeof(new_key), 0); int stock_number; double price; cout << "Enter the items's stock number: "; cin >> stock_number; if(cin) { StockNumber_t sn = stock_number; infohog_new.SetMember(&sn, sizeof(StockNumber_t), 1); cout << "Enter the items's price: $"; cin >> price; } else { cout << "Invalid entry. Object not added!" << "\n"; return; } if(cin) { Price_t p = price; infohog_new.SetMember(&p, sizeof(Price_t), 2); } else { cout << "Invalid entry. Object not added!" << "\n"; return; } ClearInputStream(cin); int find = 0; if(change_object) { // Change the object if(!infohog.ChangeObject(infohog_new, find)) { cout << "Could not change this object" << "\n"; return; } return; } // Change the object member by member if(!infohog.ChangeMember(infohog_new.GetMember(0), infohog_new.GetMemberLen(0), 0, find)) { cout << "Could not change key member" << "\n"; return; } if(!infohog.ChangeMember(infohog_new.GetMember(1), infohog_new.GetMemberLen(1), 1, find)) { cout << "Could not change member 1" << "\n"; return; } if(!infohog.ChangeMember(infohog_new.GetMember(2), infohog_new.GetMemberLen(2), 2, find)) { cout << "Could not change member 2" << "\n"; return; } } int main(int argv, char **argc) { #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ InitLeakTest(); #endif char rev_letter = gxDatabaseRevisionLetter; // Set the default rev letter if(argv == 2) { // Set a specified revision letter rev_letter = *argc[1]; if(rev_letter == '0') rev_letter = '\0'; // Valid rev letters are: // Rev 0 // Rev 'A' or 'a' // Rev 'B' or 'b' // Rev 'C' or 'c' // Rev 'D' or 'd' // Rev 'E' or 'e' // NOTE: The gxDatabase class will set invalid revision letters // to the version set by the gxDatabaseRevisionLetter constant. } InfoHogKey<Name_t> key_type; FStringCaseCompare = 0; // Do not compare the case of FString objects const char *data_file = "grocery.ihd"; const char *index_file = "grocery.ihx"; // Create or open an existing database using a single index file gxDatabaseAccessMode mode = gxDBASE_READWRITE; BtreeNodeOrder_t order = InfoHogNodeOrder; int num_trees = InfoHogNumTrees; int use_index = InfoHogUseIndexFile; FAU_t static_size = InfoHogStaticArea; __SBYTE__ df_rev_letter = rev_letter; __SBYTE__ if_rev_letter = rev_letter; POD pod; gxDatabaseError err = pod.Open(data_file, index_file, key_type, order, mode, use_index, static_size, num_trees, df_rev_letter, if_rev_letter); // Test for any errors if(err != gxDBASE_NO_ERROR) { cout << gxDatabaseExceptionMessage(err) << "\n"; return 1; } char c; int rv = 1; Menu(); while(rv) { if (!cin) { ClearInputStream(cin); if (!cin) { cout << "Input stream error" << "\n"; return 0; } } cout << '>'; cin >> c; if (!cin) continue; switch(c) { case 'a' : case 'A' : ClearInputStream(cin); AddItem(&pod); break; case 'b' : case 'B' : BuildDatabase(&pod); break; case 'c' : ClearInputStream(cin); ChangeItem(&pod); break; case 'C' : ClearInputStream(cin); ChangeItem(&pod, 0); break; case 'd' : case 'D' : ClearInputStream(cin); DeleteItem(&pod); break; case 'f' : case 'F' : ClearInputStream(cin); FindItem(&pod); break; case 'l' : case 'L' : ListInOrder(&pod); break; case 'i' : case 'I' : ListInOrder(&pod, 0); break; case 'h' : case 'H' : case '?' : Menu(); break; case 'q' : case 'Q' : rv = Quit(); break; case 's' : case 'S' : PrintBtreeHeader(&pod, 0); break; case 'x' : case 'X' : Compare(&pod); break; case 'y' : case 'Y' : Rebuild(&pod, "newindex.ihx"); break; default: cout << "Unrecognized command" << "\n"; } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------- // // --------- End of File --------- // // ------------------------------- //