// ------------------------------- // // -------- Start of File -------- // // ------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // C++ Source Code File Name: testprog.cpp // C++ Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC // Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team // File Creation Date: 11/29/1996 // Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016 // Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This is a test program for the gxString class. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // #include "gxdlcode.h" #if defined (__USE_ANSI_CPP__) // Use the ANSI Standard C++ library #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Use unqualified names for Standard C++ library #else // Use the old iostream library by default #include <iostream.h> #endif // __USE_ANSI_CPP__ #include "gxstring.h" #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ #include "leaktest.h" #endif void PausePrg() { #ifndef __AUTORUN_TESTPROG__ cout << "\n"; cout << "Press enter to continue..." << "\n"; cin.get(); #endif } void ASCIIStringTest() { cout << "Testing all ASCII string class functions..." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing constructors..." << "\n"; gxString a("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); cout << a << "\n"; gxString b; gxString c("This is a test"); cout << c << "\n"; cout << "Copy constructing a string..." << "\n"; gxString d(c); cout << d << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing overloaded assignment operators..." << "\n"; b = a; cout << b << "\n"; b = c; cout << b << "\n"; b = "0123456789"; cout << b << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing copy constructor..." << "\n"; gxString aa(a); cout << aa << "\n"; gxString bb(b); cout << bb << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded += operator..." << "\n"; gxString buf(" 0123456789"); a += buf; cout << a << "\n"; c += " message"; cout << c << "\n"; c += 'X'; cout << c << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing concatenation..." << "\n"; gxString s1("String 1"), s2("String 2"); char *str3 = " and String 3"; s1.Cat(" and ", 5); s1 += s2; cout << s1 << "\n"; s1.Cat(str3); cout << s1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing find functions..." << "\n"; cout << s1 << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << "xyz" << "\n"; if(s1.Find("xyz") == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << str3 << "\n"; if(s1.Find(str3, gxstrlen(str3)) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << s2 << "\n"; if(s1.Find(s2) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing ifind functions..." << "\n"; cout << s1 << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << "xyz" << "\n"; if(s1.IFind("xyz") == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << str3 << "\n"; if(s1.IFind(str3, gxstrlen(str3)) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << s2 << "\n"; if(s1.IFind(s2) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing repeated pattern finding..." << "\n"; s1 = "This is a test message"; cout << s1 << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << "is" << "\n"; int offset = 0; while(1) { offset = s1.Find("is", offset); if (offset == -1) break; cout << "Pattern match found at index: " << offset << "\n"; offset++; } PausePrg(); cout << "Testing delete function..." << "\n"; gxString x1("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); cout << x1 << "\n"; char *xx = "fox"; int Index = x1.Find(xx); cout << "Deleting fox from string..." << "\n"; x1.DeleteAt(Index, gxstrlen(xx)); cout << x1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing replace functions..." << "\n"; x1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; cout << x1 << "\n"; char *xy = "cat"; Index = x1.Find(xx); cout << "Replacing fox:" << "\n"; x1.ReplaceAt(Index, xy, gxstrlen(xy)); cout << x1 << "\n"; cout << "Replacing jumps:" << "\n"; Index = x1.Find("jumps"); x1.ReplaceAt(Index, "runs "); cout << x1 << "\n"; gxString x2("cow"); cout << "Replacing dog:" << "\n"; Index = x1.Find("dog"); x1.ReplaceAt(Index, x2); cout << x1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the insert functions..." << "\n"; x1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; cout << x1 << "\n"; char *xz = "and yellow "; cout << "Inserting text into string:" << "\n"; Index = x1.Find(xx); x1.InsertAt(Index, xz, gxstrlen(xz)); cout << x1 << "\n"; Index = x1.Find("over"); x1.InsertAt(Index, "around and "); cout << x1 << "\n"; gxString x3("cow and "); Index = x1.Find("dog"); x1.InsertAt(Index, x3); cout << x1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing c_str functions" << "\n"; gxString gs("COW"); const gxString &cs = gs; cout << "String = " << gs.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Const String = " << cs.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overload subscript operator..." << "\n"; char *Message = "This is a test message"; gxString ss(Message); for(unsigned i = 0; i < gxstrlen(Message); i++) cout << ss[i]; cout << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing general-purpose filter functions" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; gxString s(" ?The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n\r\ 0123456789\r\n?~!@#$%^&*()_+<> "); unsigned num; cout << "Original string: " << "\n"; cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Trimming all leading and trailing spaces" << "\n"; cout << "begin" << s.c_str() << "end" << "\n"; num = s.TrimLeadingSpaces(); cout << "Leading spaces = " << num << "\n"; cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; num = s.TrimTrailingSpaces(); cout << "Trialing spaces = " << num << "\n"; cout << s.c_str(); cout << "end"; PausePrg(); cout << "Changing to upper case" << "\n"; if(s.ToUpper()) cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Changing to lower case" << "\n"; if(s.ToLower()) cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Replacing carriage returns/line feeds with spaces" << "\n"; num = s.ReplaceChar('\r', ' '); num = s.ReplaceString("\n", " "); cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Filtering all \'?\' characters" << "\n"; num = s.FilterChar('?'); cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Filtering the \"he\" string" << "\n"; s.FilterString("he"); cout << s.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded << operators" << "\n"; gxString stream; const int i1 = 1; const long i2 = 2; const short i3 = 3; int i4 = 255; long i5 =1024; short i6 = 2048; unsigned int i7 = 4096; unsigned long i8 = 8192; unsigned short i9 = 16384; float f1 = (float)4.22; double f2 = (double)8.092; char c1 = 'A'; char c2 = 'B'; char c3 = 'C'; char c4 = 'D'; char *str1 = "Output test = "; gxString str2 = "Output test = "; stream << "Output test = " << c1 << ' ' << c2 << ' ' << c3 << ' ' << c4 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream << clear << str1 << i1 << " " << i2 << " " << i3 << " " << i4 << " " << i5 << " " << i6 << " " << i7 << " " << i8 << " " << i9 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream.Clear(); stream.SetWidth(4); stream.SetFill('0'); stream << str2 << hex << i1 << " " << i2 << " " << i3 << " " << i4 << " " << i5 << " " << i6 << " " << i7 << " " << i8 << " " << i9 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream.Clear(); stream.Precision(2); stream << "Output test = " << f1 << " " << f2 << "\n"; stream.Precision(4); stream << "Output test = " << f1 << " " << f2 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream << clear; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded >> operators" << "\n"; char csbuf[255]; gxString sb1 = "Input test = "; sb1 << (int)15 << " " << (long)25 << " " << (short)35 << " " << (unsigned int)45 << " " << (unsigned long)55 << " " << (unsigned short)65 << " " << (double)1.5 << " " << (float)2.5 << " " << 'A' << 'B' << 'C' << "\n"; sb1 >> csbuf; cout << csbuf; gxString sb2, sb3, sb4, sb5, sb6, sb7, sb8, sb9, sb10, sb11, sb12; sb2 << (int)15; sb3 << (long)25; sb4 << (short)35; sb5 << (unsigned int)45; sb6 << (unsigned long)55; sb7 << (unsigned short)65; sb8 << (double)1.5; sb9 << (float)2.5; sb10 << 'A'; sb11 << 'B'; sb12 << 'C'; cout << "Input test = " << sb2 << " " << sb3 << " " << sb4 << " " << sb5 << " " << sb6 << " " << sb7 << " " << sb8 << " " << sb9 << " " << sb10 << sb11 << sb12 << "\n"; int ib2 = 0; long ib3 = 0; short ib4 = 0; unsigned int ib5 = 0; unsigned long ib6 = 0; unsigned short ib7 = 0; double ib8 = 0; float ib9 = 0; char ib10 = 0; char ib11 = 0; char ib12 = 0; sb2 >> ib2; sb3 >> ib3; sb4 >> ib4; sb5 >> ib5; sb6 >> ib6; sb7 >> ib7; sb8 >> ib8; sb9 >> ib9; sb10 >> ib10; sb11 >> ib11; sb12 >> ib12; cout << "Input test = " << ib2 << " " << ib3 << " " << ib4 << " " << ib5 << " " << ib6 << " " << ib7 << " " << ib8 << " " << ib9 << " " << ib10 << ib11 << ib12 << "\n"; #if defined (__64_BIT_DATABASE_ENGINE__) PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded >> and << 64-bit operators" << "\n"; __LLWORD__ LL1 = (__LLWORD__)255; const __LLWORD__ LL2 = (__LLWORD__)1024; __ULLWORD__ LL3 = (__ULLWORD__)2048; const __ULLWORD__ LL4 = (__LLWORD__)4096; stream << clear << "64-bit test = " << LL1 << " " << LL2 << " " << LL3 << " " << LL4 << "\n"; stream >> csbuf; cout << csbuf; stream.Clear(); stream.SetWidth(4); stream.SetFill('0'); stream << "64-bit test = " << hex << LL1 << " " << LL2 << " " << LL3 << " " << LL4 << "\n"; cout << stream; gxString sb64_1, sb64_2, sb64_3, sb64_4; sb64_1 << LL1; sb64_2 << LL2; sb64_3 << LL3; sb64_4 << LL4; __LLWORD__ LLn1, LLn2; __ULLWORD__ LLn3, LLn4; sb64_1 >> LLn1; sb64_2 >> LLn2; sb64_3 >> LLn3; sb64_4 >> LLn4; cout << "64-bit test = " << (int)LLn1 << " " << (int)LLn2 << " " << (int)LLn3 << " " << (int) LLn4 << "\n"; #endif PausePrg(); cout << "Testing escape sequence conversion function" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; gxString esc_string("This%20is%20a%20test%20for%20%%%20escape%20chars"); cout << esc_string.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Converting escape sequences" << "\n"; int num_esc = esc_string.ConvertEscapeSeq('%'); cout << "Found " << num_esc << " escape sequences" << "\n"; cout << esc_string.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "\n"; esc_string = "This#0020is#0020a#0020test#0020for#0020###0020escape\ #0020chars"; cout << esc_string.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Converting escape sequences" << "\n"; num_esc = esc_string.ConvertEscapeSeq('#', 4); cout << "Found " << num_esc << " escape sequences" << "\n"; cout << esc_string.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "\n"; esc_string = "This;020is;020a;020test;020for;020;;;020escape;020chars"; cout << esc_string.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Converting escape sequences" << "\n"; num_esc = esc_string.ConvertEscapeSeq(';', 3); cout << "Found " << num_esc << " escape sequences" << "\n"; cout << esc_string.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the comparison operators" << "\n"; #ifndef __AUTORUN_TESTPROG__ gxString acomp(255), bcomp; cout << "Enter string A>"; cin >> acomp; cout << "Enter string B>"; cin >> bcomp; #else // In auto run mode so do not prompt user for any input gxString acomp("CAT"), bcomp("cat"); cout << "String A = CAT, String B = cat" << "\n"; #endif cout << "String A == B "; acomp == bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A != B "; acomp != bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A < B "; acomp < bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A <= B "; acomp <= bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A > B "; acomp > bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A >= B "; acomp >= bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the case insensitive comparison functions" << "\n"; cout << "String A == B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) == 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A != B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) != 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A < B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) < 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A <= B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) <= 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A > B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) > 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A >= B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) >= 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the find last function" << "\n"; gxString url("http://www.example.com:80/docs/index.html"); cout << "Complete URL: " << url.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Searching for last \"/\"" << "\n"; offset = url.FindLast("/"); if(offset != -1) { cout << "Found last \"/\" at offset: " << offset << "\n"; } else { cout << "Could not find last \"/\"" << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing delete before and after functions" << "\n"; gxString ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeIncluding("://"); ubuf.DeleteAfterIncluding(":"); cout << "Complete URL: " << url.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Server: " << ubuf.c_str() << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteAfter("http"); cout << "Protocol: " << ubuf.c_str() << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeLast(":"); ubuf.DeleteAfterIncluding("/"); ubuf.DeleteAt(0, 1); cout << "Port: " << ubuf.c_str() << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeIncluding("://"); ubuf.DeleteBeforeIncluding("/"); ubuf.DeleteAfterLastIncluding("/"); ubuf.InsertAt(0, "/"); cout << "Directory: " << ubuf.c_str() << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeLastIncluding("/"); cout << "File: " << ubuf.c_str() << "\n"; ubuf.DeleteBefore("."); cout << "Dot extension: " << ubuf.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing shorthand notation nomenclature" << "\n"; long by1 = 519; unsigned long by2 = 2133; gxString byte_string; byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << by1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << by2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(); by1 *= (1000 * 1000); by2 *= (1000 * 1000); byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << by1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << by2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(); #if defined (__64_BIT_DATABASE_ENGINE__) __LLWORD__ llby1 = 519; __ULLWORD__ llby2 = 2133; byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << llby1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << llby2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(); llby1 *= (1000 * 1000); llby2 *= (1000 * 1000); byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << llby1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << llby2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(); llby1 *= 1000; llby2 *= 1000; byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << llby1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << llby2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(); #endif PausePrg(); cout << "Testing octal conversion functions" << "\n"; gxString o_string; int onum1 = 0755; int onum2 = 0644; int onum3 = 0220; o_string << clear << oct << onum1 << " " << onum2 << " " << onum3 << "\n"; cout << o_string.c_str(); #if defined (__64_BIT_DATABASE_ENGINE__) __LLWORD__ lonum1 = 0755; __LLWORD__ lonum2 = 0644; __LLWORD__ lonum3 = 0220; o_string << clear << oct << lonum1 << " " << lonum2 << " " << lonum3 << "\n"; cout << o_string.c_str(); #endif PausePrg(); cout << "Testing char trim functions" << "\n"; gxString trim_str = "######Test String______"; cout << "String = " << trim_str.c_str() << "\n"; trim_str.TrimLeading('#'); trim_str.TrimTrailing('_'); cout << "String = " << trim_str.c_str() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing substring functions" << "\n"; gxString substr("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); cout << substr.c_str() << "\n"; Index = substr.Find("fox"); cout << "Testing mid function:" << "\n"; gxString Fox = substr.Mid(Index, 3); // 3 characters for fox cout << Fox.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Testing left function:" << "\n"; gxString The = substr.Left(3); // 3 characters for the cout << The.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Testing right function:" << "\n"; gxString Dog = substr.Right(3); // 3 characters for dog cout << Dog.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Exiting ASCII string test" << "\n"; PausePrg(); } void UNICODEStringTest() { cout << "Testing all Unicode string class functions..." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing constructors..." << "\n"; wchar_t wsbuf[255]; gxStringw a(gxLTCHAR("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", wsbuf)); cout << a << "\n"; gxStringw b; gxStringw c(gxLTCHAR("This is a test", wsbuf)); cout << c << "\n"; cout << "Copy constructing a string..." << "\n"; gxStringw d(c); cout << d << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing overloaded assignment operators..." << "\n"; b = a; cout << b << "\n"; b = c; cout << b << "\n"; b = gxLTCHAR("0123456789", wsbuf); cout << b << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing copy constructor..." << "\n"; gxStringw aa(a); cout << aa << "\n"; gxStringw bb(b); cout << bb << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded += operator..." << "\n"; gxStringw buf(gxLTCHAR(" 0123456789", wsbuf)); a += buf; cout << a << "\n"; c += gxLTCHAR(" message", wsbuf); cout << c << "\n"; c += gxLTCHAR('X', wsbuf); cout << c << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing concatenation..." << "\n"; gxStringw s1(gxLTCHAR("String 1", wsbuf)), s2(gxLTCHAR("String 2", wsbuf)); char *str3 = " and String 3"; s1.Cat(gxLTCHAR(" and ", wsbuf), 5); s1 += s2; cout << s1 << "\n"; s1.Cat(str3); cout << s1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing find functions..." << "\n"; cout << s1 << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << "xyz" << "\n"; if(s1.Find(gxLTCHAR("xyz", wsbuf)) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << str3 << "\n"; if(s1.Find(str3, gxstrlen(str3)) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << s2 << "\n"; if(s1.Find(s2) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing ifind functions..." << "\n"; cout << s1 << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << "xyz" << "\n"; if(s1.IFind(gxLTCHAR("xyz", wsbuf)) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << str3 << "\n"; if(s1.IFind(str3, gxstrlen(str3)) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << s2 << "\n"; if(s1.IFind(s2) == -1) cout << "Pattern not found!" << "\n"; else cout << "Pattern found." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing repeated pattern finding..." << "\n"; s1 = "This is a test message"; cout << s1 << "\n"; cout << "Searching for: " << "is" << "\n"; int offset = 0; while(1) { offset = s1.Find(gxLTCHAR("is", wsbuf), offset); if (offset == -1) break; cout << "Pattern match found at index: " << offset << "\n"; offset++; } PausePrg(); cout << "Testing delete function..." << "\n"; gxStringw x1(gxLTCHAR("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", wsbuf)); cout << x1 << "\n"; wchar_t *xx = gxLTCHAR("fox", wsbuf); int Index = x1.Find(xx); cout << "Deleting fox from string..." << "\n"; x1.DeleteAt(Index, gxstrlen(xx)); cout << x1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing replace functions..." << "\n"; x1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; cout << x1 << "\n"; wchar_t *xy = gxLTCHAR("cat", wsbuf); Index = x1.Find(gxLTCHAR("fox", wsbuf)); cout << "Replacing fox:" << "\n"; x1.ReplaceAt(Index, xy, gxstrlen(xy)); cout << x1 << "\n"; cout << "Replacing jumps:" << "\n"; Index = x1.Find(gxLTCHAR("jumps", wsbuf)); x1.ReplaceAt(Index, gxLTCHAR("runs ", wsbuf)); cout << x1 << "\n"; gxStringw x2(gxLTCHAR("cow", wsbuf)); cout << "Replacing dog:" << "\n"; Index = x1.Find(gxLTCHAR("dog", wsbuf)); x1.ReplaceAt(Index, x2); cout << x1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the insert functions..." << "\n"; x1 = gxLTCHAR("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", wsbuf); cout << x1 << "\n"; cout << "Inserting text into string:" << "\n"; Index = x1.Find(gxLTCHAR("fox", wsbuf)); x1.InsertAt(Index, gxLTCHAR("and yellow ", wsbuf), gxstrlen("and yellow ")); cout << x1 << "\n"; Index = x1.Find(gxLTCHAR("over", wsbuf)); x1.InsertAt(Index, gxLTCHAR("around and ", wsbuf)); cout << x1 << "\n"; gxStringw x3(gxLTCHAR("cow and ", wsbuf)); Index = x1.Find(gxLTCHAR("dog", wsbuf)); x1.InsertAt(Index, x3); cout << x1 << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing c_str functions" << "\n"; char sbuf[255]; // ASCII string buffer for Unicode to ASCII conversion gxStringw gs(gxLTCHAR("COW", wsbuf)); const gxStringw &cs = gs; cout << "String = " << gs.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Const String = " << cs.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overload subscript operator..." << "\n"; wchar_t *Message = gxLTCHAR("This is a test message", wsbuf); gxStringw ss(Message); for(unsigned i = 0; i < gxstrlen(Message); i++) cout << (char)ss[i]; cout << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing general-purpose filter functions" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; gxStringw s(gxLTCHAR(\ " ?The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n\r\ 0123456789\r\n?~!@#$%^&*()_+<> ", wsbuf)); unsigned num; cout << "Original string: " << "\n"; cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Trimming all leading and trailing spaces" << "\n"; cout << "begin" << s.c_str(sbuf) << "end" << "\n"; num = s.TrimLeadingSpaces(); cout << "Leading spaces = " << num << "\n"; cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; num = s.TrimTrailingSpaces(); cout << "Trialing spaces = " << num << "\n"; cout << s.c_str(sbuf); cout << "end"; PausePrg(); cout << "Changing to upper case" << "\n"; if(s.ToUpper()) cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Changing to lower case" << "\n"; if(s.ToLower()) cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Replacing carriage returns/line feeds with spaces" << "\n"; wchar_t wsbuf2[255]; num = s.ReplaceChar(gxLTCHAR('\r', wsbuf), gxLTCHAR(' ', wsbuf2)); num = s.ReplaceString(gxLTCHAR("\n", wsbuf), gxLTCHAR(" ", wsbuf2)); cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Filtering all \'?\' characters" << "\n"; num = s.FilterChar(gxLTCHAR('?', wsbuf)); cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Filtering the \"he\" string" << "\n"; s.FilterString(gxLTCHAR("he", wsbuf)); cout << s.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded << operators" << "\n"; gxStringw stream; const int i1 = 1; const long i2 = 2; const short i3 = 3; int i4 = 255; long i5 =1024; short i6 = 2048; unsigned int i7 = 4096; unsigned long i8 = 8192; unsigned short i9 = 16384; float f1 = (float)4.22; double f2 = (double)8.092; char c1 = 'A'; char c2 = 'B'; wchar_t c3 = gxLTCHAR('C', wsbuf); wchar_t c4 = gxLTCHAR('D', wsbuf2); char *str1 = "Output test = "; gxStringw str2 = "Output test = "; stream << "Output test = " << c1 << ' ' << c2 << ' ' << (char)c3 << ' ' << (char)c4 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream << clear << str1 << i1 << " " << i2 << " " << i3 << " " << i4 << " " << i5 << " " << i6 << " " << i7 << " " << i8 << " " << i9 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream.Clear(); stream.SetWidth(4); stream.SetFill('0'); stream << str2 << hex << i1 << " " << i2 << " " << i3 << " " << i4 << " " << i5 << " " << i6 << " " << i7 << " " << i8 << " " << i9 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream.Clear(); stream.Precision(2); stream << "Output test = " << f1 << " " << f2 << "\n"; stream.Precision(4); stream << "Output test = " << f1 << " " << f2 << "\n"; cout << stream; stream << clear; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded >> operators" << "\n"; char csbuf[255]; gxStringw sb1 = "Input test = "; sb1 << (int)15 << " " << (long)25 << " " << (short)35 << " " << (unsigned int)45 << " " << (unsigned long)55 << " " << (unsigned short)65 << " " << (double)1.5 << " " << (float)2.5 << " " << 'A' << 'B' << 'C' << "\n"; sb1 >> csbuf; cout << csbuf; gxStringw sb2, sb3, sb4, sb5, sb6, sb7, sb8, sb9, sb10, sb11, sb12; sb2 << (int)15; sb3 << (long)25; sb4 << (short)35; sb5 << (unsigned int)45; sb6 << (unsigned long)55; sb7 << (unsigned short)65; sb8 << (double)1.5; sb9 << (float)2.5; sb10 << 'A'; sb11 << 'B'; sb12 << 'C'; cout << "Input test = " << sb2 << " " << sb3 << " " << sb4 << " " << sb5 << " " << sb6 << " " << sb7 << " " << sb8 << " " << sb9 << " " << sb10 << sb11 << sb12 << "\n"; int ib2 = 0; long ib3 = 0; short ib4 = 0; unsigned int ib5 = 0; unsigned long ib6 = 0; unsigned short ib7 = 0; double ib8 = 0; float ib9 = 0; char ib10 = 0; char ib11 = 0; char ib12 = 0; sb2 >> ib2; sb3 >> ib3; sb4 >> ib4; sb5 >> ib5; sb6 >> ib6; sb7 >> ib7; sb8 >> ib8; sb9 >> ib9; sb10 >> ib10; sb11 >> ib11; sb12 >> ib12; cout << "Input test = " << ib2 << " " << ib3 << " " << ib4 << " " << ib5 << " " << ib6 << " " << ib7 << " " << ib8 << " " << ib9 << " " << ib10 << ib11 << ib12 << "\n"; #if defined (__64_BIT_DATABASE_ENGINE__) PausePrg(); cout << "Testing overloaded >> and << 64-bit operators" << "\n"; __LLWORD__ LL1 = (__LLWORD__)255; const __LLWORD__ LL2 = (__LLWORD__)1024; __ULLWORD__ LL3 = (__ULLWORD__)2048; const __ULLWORD__ LL4 = (__LLWORD__)4096; stream << clear << "64-bit test = " << LL1 << " " << LL2 << " " << LL3 << " " << LL4 << "\n"; stream >> csbuf; cout << csbuf; stream.Clear(); stream.SetWidth(4); stream.SetFill('0'); stream << "64-bit test = " << hex << LL1 << " " << LL2 << " " << LL3 << " " << LL4 << "\n"; cout << stream; gxStringw sb64_1, sb64_2, sb64_3, sb64_4; sb64_1 << LL1; sb64_2 << LL2; sb64_3 << LL3; sb64_4 << LL4; __LLWORD__ LLn1, LLn2; __ULLWORD__ LLn3, LLn4; sb64_1 >> LLn1; sb64_2 >> LLn2; sb64_3 >> LLn3; sb64_4 >> LLn4; cout << "64-bit test = " << (int)LLn1 << " " << (int)LLn2 << " " << (int)LLn3 << " " << (int) LLn4 << "\n"; #endif PausePrg(); cout << "Testing escape sequence conversion function" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; gxStringw esc_string(gxLTCHAR(\ "This%20is%20a%20test%20for%20%%%20escape%20chars", wsbuf)); cout << esc_string.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Converting escape sequences" << "\n"; wchar_t es = gxLTCHAR('%', wsbuf); int num_esc = esc_string.ConvertEscapeSeq(es); cout << "Found " << num_esc << " escape sequences" << "\n"; cout << esc_string.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; esc_string = gxLTCHAR("This#0020is#0020a#0020test#0020for#0020###0020escape\ #0020chars", wsbuf); cout << esc_string.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Converting escape sequences" << "\n"; num_esc = esc_string.ConvertEscapeSeq(gxLTCHAR('#', wsbuf), 4); cout << "Found " << num_esc << " escape sequences" << "\n"; cout << esc_string.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; esc_string = gxLTCHAR(\ "This;020is;020a;020test;020for;020;;;020escape;020chars", wsbuf); cout << esc_string.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Converting escape sequences" << "\n"; num_esc = esc_string.ConvertEscapeSeq(';', 3); cout << "Found " << num_esc << " escape sequences" << "\n"; cout << esc_string.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the comparison operators" << "\n"; #ifndef __AUTORUN_TESTPROG__ gxStringw acomp(255), bcomp; cout << "Enter string A>"; cin >> acomp; cout << "Enter string B>"; cin >> bcomp; #else // In auto run mode so do not prompt user for any input gxStringw acomp(gxLTCHAR("CAT", wsbuf)), bcomp(gxLTCHAR("cat", wsbuf)); cout << "String A = CAT, String B = cat" << "\n"; #endif cout << "String A == B "; acomp == bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A != B "; acomp != bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A < B "; acomp < bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A <= B "; acomp <= bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A > B "; acomp > bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A >= B "; acomp >= bcomp ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the case insensitive comparison functions" << "\n"; cout << "String A == B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) == 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A != B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) != 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A < B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) < 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A <= B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) <= 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A > B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) > 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "String A >= B "; acomp.StringICompare(bcomp) >= 0 ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the find last function" << "\n"; gxStringw url(gxLTCHAR("http://www.example.com:80/docs/index.html", wsbuf)); cout << "Complete URL: " << url.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Searching for last \"/\"" << "\n"; offset = url.FindLast(gxLTCHAR("/", wsbuf)); if(offset != -1) { cout << "Found last \"/\" at offset: " << offset << "\n"; } else { cout << "Could not find last \"/\"" << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing delete before and after functions" << "\n"; gxStringw ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeIncluding(gxLTCHAR("://", wsbuf)); ubuf.DeleteAfterIncluding(gxLTCHAR(":", wsbuf)); cout << "Complete URL: " << url.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Server: " << ubuf.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteAfter(gxLTCHAR("http", wsbuf)); cout << "Protocol: " << ubuf.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeLast(gxLTCHAR(":", wsbuf)); ubuf.DeleteAfterIncluding(gxLTCHAR("/", wsbuf)); ubuf.DeleteAt(0, 1); cout << "Port: " << ubuf.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeIncluding(gxLTCHAR("://", wsbuf)); ubuf.DeleteBeforeIncluding(gxLTCHAR("/", wsbuf)); ubuf.DeleteAfterLastIncluding(gxLTCHAR("/", wsbuf)); ubuf.InsertAt(0, gxLTCHAR("/", wsbuf)); cout << "Directory: " << ubuf.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; ubuf = url; ubuf.DeleteBeforeLastIncluding(gxLTCHAR("/", wsbuf)); cout << "File: " << ubuf.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; ubuf.DeleteBefore(gxLTCHAR(".", wsbuf)); cout << "Dot extension: " << ubuf.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing shorthand notation nomenclature" << "\n"; long by1 = 519; unsigned long by2 = 2133; gxStringw byte_string; byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << by1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << by2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(sbuf); by1 *= (1000 * 1000); by2 *= (1000 * 1000); byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << by1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << by2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(sbuf); #if defined (__64_BIT_DATABASE_ENGINE__) __LLWORD__ llby1 = 519; __ULLWORD__ llby2 = 2133; byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << llby1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << llby2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(sbuf); llby1 *= (1000 * 1000); llby2 *= (1000 * 1000); byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << llby1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << llby2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(sbuf); llby1 *= 1000; llby2 *= 1000; byte_string << clear << "Byte value 1 = " << shn << llby1 << " bytes " << "Byte value 2 = " << llby2 << " bytes" << "\n"; cout << byte_string.c_str(sbuf); #endif PausePrg(); cout << "Testing octal conversion functions" << "\n"; gxStringw o_string; int onum1 = 0755; int onum2 = 0644; int onum3 = 0220; o_string << clear << oct << onum1 << " " << onum2 << " " << onum3 << "\n"; cout << o_string.c_str(sbuf); #if defined (__64_BIT_DATABASE_ENGINE__) __LLWORD__ lonum1 = 0755; __LLWORD__ lonum2 = 0644; __LLWORD__ lonum3 = 0220; o_string << clear << oct << lonum1 << " " << lonum2 << " " << lonum3 << "\n"; cout << o_string.c_str(sbuf); #endif PausePrg(); cout << "Testing char trim functions" << "\n"; gxStringw trim_str = gxLTCHAR("######Test String______", wsbuf); cout << "String = " << trim_str.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; trim_str.TrimLeading((wchar_t)'#'); trim_str.TrimTrailing((wchar_t)'_'); cout << "String = " << trim_str.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing substring functions" << "\n"; gxStringw substr(gxLTCHAR("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", wsbuf)); cout << substr.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; Index = substr.Find(gxLTCHAR("fox", wsbuf)); cout << "Testing mid function:" << "\n"; gxStringw Fox = substr.Mid(Index, 3); // 3 characters for fox cout << Fox.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Testing left function:" << "\n"; gxStringw The = substr.Left(3); // 3 characters for the cout << The.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "Testing right function:" << "\n"; gxStringw Dog = substr.Right(3); // 3 characters for dog cout << Dog.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Exiting Unicode string test" << "\n"; PausePrg(); } void MixedStringTest() { cout << "Testing ASCII and UNICODE string functions..." << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Displaying platform dependent byte alignments" << "\n"; cout << "ASCII byte alignment = " << sizeof(char) << "\n"; cout << "ASCII bit alignment = " << (sizeof(char) * 8) << "\n"; cout << "Unicode byte alignment = " << sizeof(wchar_t) << "\n"; cout << "Unicode bit alignment = " << (sizeof(wchar_t) * 8) << "\n"; cout << "gxwchar_t byte alignment = " << sizeof(gxwchar_t) << "\n"; cout << "gxwchar_t bit alignment = " << (sizeof(gxwchar_t) * 8) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Constructing ASCII and Unicode strings" << "\n"; char sbuf[255]; wchar_t wsbuf[255]; const char *mesg = "This is a test"; wchar_t *umesg = ASCII2Unicode(mesg); gxString as(mesg); gxStringw wstr1((const wchar_t *)umesg); cout << "ASCII string: " << as.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Unicode string: " << wstr1.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing string length functions" << "\n"; cout << "ASCII string length = " << gxstrlen(as.c_str()) << "\n"; cout << "Unicode string length = " << gxstrlen(wstr1.c_wstr()) << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the gxwchar_t strings functions" << "\n"; gxwchar_t *gxws_t1 = ASCII2gxwchar_t(mesg); gxString gxas = gxws_t1; gxStringw gxws = gxws_t1; cout << "gxwchar_t String: " << (gxStringw)gxws_t1 << "\n"; cout << "gxwchar_t String: " << (gxString)gxws_t1 << "\n"; cout << "ASCII string: " << gxas.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Unicode string: " << gxws.c_str(sbuf) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing string length functions" << "\n"; cout << "ASCII string length = " << gxstrlen(gxas.c_str()) << "\n"; cout << "Unicode string length = " << gxstrlen(gxws.c_wstr()) << "\n"; cout << "gxwchar_t string length = " << gxstrlen(gxws_t1) << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Testing gxwchar_t string copy, cat, and cmp functions" << endl; gxwchar_t gxws_tbuf[255]; gxwchar_t gxws_t2[255]; gxwchar_t gxws_t3[255]; gxwchar_t gxws_t4[255]; gxstrcpy(gxws_t2, gxLTCHAR("Cat", gxws_tbuf)); gxstrcpy(gxws_t3, gxLTCHAR("Dog", gxws_tbuf)); gxstrcpy(gxws_t4, gxLTCHAR("Cow", gxws_tbuf)); gxstrcpy(gxws_tbuf, gxws_t2); gxstrcat(gxws_tbuf, gxws_t3); gxstrcat(gxws_tbuf, gxws_t4); cout << (gxStringw)gxws_tbuf << "\n"; cout << "Comparing \"Cat\" to \"Dog\"" << "\n"; cout << "String compare = " << gxstrcmp(gxws_t2, gxws_t3); PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the string class length functions" << "\n"; cout << "ASCII string length: " << as.length() << "\n"; cout << "ASCII bytes allocated: " << as.dlength() << "\n"; cout << "Unicode string length: " << wstr1.length() << "\n"; cout << "Unicode bytes allocated: " << wstr1.dlength() << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing standalone string copy functions" << "\n"; gxstrcpy(sbuf, as.c_str()); cout << sbuf << "\n"; gxstrcpy(wsbuf, wstr1.c_wstr()); cout << (gxStringw)wsbuf << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing standalone string cat functions" << "\n"; const char *s1 = "The quick brown"; const char *s2 = " fox jumps over"; const char *s3 = " the lazy dog"; char *comp = StringCat(s1, s2, s3); cout << comp << "\n"; wchar_t *ws1 = ASCII2Unicode(s1); wchar_t *ws2 = ASCII2Unicode(s2); wchar_t *ws3 = ASCII2Unicode(s3); wchar_t *wcomp = StringCat(ws1, ws2, ws3); cout << (gxStringw)wcomp << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing the standalone string parser..." << "\n"; const char *as_strings = "MOUSE DOG CAT LION FLEA COW HORSE"; wchar_t *ws_strings = ASCII2Unicode(as_strings); char as_words[MAXWORDS][MAXWORDLENGTH]; wchar_t ws_words[MAXWORDS][MAXWORDLENGTH]; int num_words; char as_sep = ' '; wchar_t ws_sep = (wchar_t)as_sep; int i; int rv = parse(as_strings, as_words, &num_words, as_sep); if(rv != 0) { cout << "ASCII parse error" << "\n"; } else { cout << "Parsed " << num_words << " ASCII words" << "\n"; for(i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { if(*as_words[i] == 0) break; cout << as_words[i] << ' '; } cout << "\n"; } parse(ws_strings, ws_words, &num_words, ws_sep); if(rv != 0) { cout << "Unicode parse error" << "\n"; } else { cout << "Parsed " << num_words << " Unicode words" << "\n"; for(i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { if(*ws_words[i] == 0) break; cout << (gxStringw)ws_words[i] << ' '; } cout << "\n"; } PausePrg(); cout << "Testing standalone string compare functions" << "\n"; char *acomp = "CAT"; char *bcomp = "cat"; cout << "String A = CAT, String B = cat" << "\n"; wchar_t *wacomp = ASCII2Unicode(acomp); wchar_t *wbcomp = ASCII2Unicode(bcomp); rv = gxstrcmp(acomp, bcomp); cout << "ASCII case compare = " << rv << "\n"; rv = gxstrcmp(wacomp, wbcomp); cout << "Unicode case compare = " << rv << "\n"; rv = CaseICmp(acomp, bcomp); cout << "ASCII casei compare = " << rv << "\n"; rv = CaseICmp(wacomp, wbcomp); cout << "Unicode casei compare = " << rv << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing standalone pattern matching functions" << "\n"; const char *search_str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; wchar_t *wsearch_str = ASCII2Unicode(search_str); cout << "Searching for pattern \"fox\"" << "\n"; int offset = FindMatch(search_str, "fox", 0, 0, 0); if(offset != -1) { cout << "Found ASCII match at character offset: " << offset << "\n"; } else { cout << "Could not find ASCII match" << "\n"; } wchar_t *wpattern = ASCII2Unicode("fox"); offset = FindMatch(wsearch_str, wpattern); if(offset != -1) { cout << "Found Unicode match at character offset: " << offset << "\n"; } else { cout << "Could not find Unicode match" << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; cout << "Search using non-case sensitive pattern match" << "\n"; cout << "Searching for pattern \"FOX\"" << "\n"; offset = IFindMatch(search_str, "FOX"); if(offset != -1) { cout << "Found ASCII match at character offset: " << offset << "\n"; } else { cout << "Could not find ASCII match" << "\n"; } delete wpattern; // Free memory before calling conversion function again wpattern = ASCII2Unicode("FOX"); offset = IFindMatch(wsearch_str, wpattern); if(offset != -1) { cout << "Found Unicode match at character offset: " << offset << "\n"; } else { cout << "Could not find Unicode match" << "\n"; } // Free all memory buffers delete umesg; delete gxws_t1; delete comp; delete wcomp; delete ws1; delete ws2; delete ws3; delete ws_strings; delete wacomp; delete wbcomp; delete wsearch_str; delete wpattern; cout << "\n"; cout << "Exiting mixed string test" << "\n"; PausePrg(); } void NULLStringTest() { cout << "Testing ASCII and UNICODE with NULL strings..." << "\n"; PausePrg(); wchar_t wsbuf[255]; char sbuf[255]; cout << "Testing the NULL string class" << "\n"; cout << "Global null char = " << (int)UStringNULLPtr::UStringNUllChar << "\n"; cout << "Global null wchar_t = " << UStringNULLPtr::UStringwNUllChar << "\n"; cout << "Global null wchar_t address = " << &UStringNULLPtr::UStringwNUllChar << "\n"; cout << "Global null string address = " << &UStringNULLPtr::UStringNUllStr << "\n"; cout << "Global null wstring address = " << &UStringNULLPtr::UStringwNUllStr << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing NULL string construction and manipulation" << "\n"; // Test the constructors and assignment operators gxString nstr; UString nstr2(""); UString nstr3(gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf)); UStringw nwstr; UStringw nwstr2(""); UStringw nwstr3(gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf)); nstr = ""; nstr = nstr2; nstr = nstr3; nstr = nwstr3.c_wstr(); nstr = gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf); nwstr = gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf); nwstr = nwstr2; nwstr = nwstr3; nwstr = nstr2.c_str(); cout << "ASCII length = " << nstr.length() << endl; cout << "ASCII dimensioned length = " << nstr.dlength() << endl; cout << "Unicode length = " << nwstr.length() << endl; cout << "Unicode dimensioned length = " << nwstr.dlength() << endl; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing for wild pointers and buffer overflows" << "\n"; cout << nstr[100]; cout << (char)nwstr[100]; cout << nstr.c_str(); cout << gxLTCHAR(nwstr.c_wstr(), sbuf); cout << gxLTCHAR(nstr.c_wstr(wsbuf), sbuf); cout << nwstr.c_str(sbuf); nstr.DeleteAt(0, 100); nstr += ""; nstr.ReplaceAt(0, ""); nstr.InsertAt(0, ""); nstr.Atoi(); nstr.Atol(); nstr.Atof(); nstr.ToUpper(); nstr.ToLower(); nstr.FindLast(""); nstr.ReplaceChar('\0', '\0'); nstr.ReplaceString("", ""); nstr.FilterString(""); nstr.FilterChar('\0'); nstr.TrimLeadingSpaces(); nstr.TrimTrailingSpaces(); nstr.DeleteAfter(""); nstr.DeleteBefore(""); nstr.DeleteAfterIncluding(""); nstr.DeleteBeforeIncluding(""); nstr.DeleteAfterLast(""); nstr.DeleteAfterLastIncluding(""); nstr.DeleteBeforeLast(""); nstr.DeleteBeforeLastIncluding(""); nstr.ConvertEscapeSeq('%'); nstr.Find(""); nstr.Find("", 100, 100); nstr.IFind(""); nstr.IFind("", 100, 100); nwstr.DeleteAt(0, 100); nstr += ""; nwstr.ReplaceAt(0, ""); nwstr.InsertAt(0, ""); nwstr.Atoi(); nwstr.Atol(); nwstr.Atof(); nwstr.ToUpper(); nwstr.ToLower(); nwstr.FindLast(""); nwstr.ReplaceChar('\0', '\0'); nwstr.ReplaceString("", ""); nwstr.FilterString(""); nwstr.FilterChar('\0'); nwstr.TrimLeadingSpaces(); nwstr.TrimTrailingSpaces(); nwstr.DeleteAfter(""); nwstr.DeleteBefore(""); nwstr.DeleteAfterIncluding(""); nwstr.DeleteBeforeIncluding(""); nwstr.DeleteAfterLast(""); nwstr.DeleteAfterLastIncluding(""); nwstr.DeleteBeforeLast(""); nwstr.DeleteBeforeLastIncluding(""); nwstr.ConvertEscapeSeq('%'); nwstr.Find(""); nwstr.Find("", 100, 100); nwstr.IFind(""); nwstr.IFind("", 100, 100); cout << "\n"; cout << "Passed" << "\n"; PausePrg(); cout << "Testing comparison operator on null strings" << "\n"; cout << "ASCII length = " << nstr.length() << endl; cout << "ASCII dimensioned length = " << nstr.dlength() << endl; cout << "Unicode length = " << nwstr.length() << endl; cout << "Unicode dimensioned length = " << nwstr.dlength() << endl; cout << "ASCII String == null "; nstr == "" ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "ASCII String != null "; nstr != "" ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "ASCII String < null "; nstr < "" ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "ASCII String A <= B "; nstr <= "" ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "ASCII String > null "; nstr > "" ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "ASCII String >= null "; nstr >= "" ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "Unicode String == null "; nwstr == gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf) ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "Unicode String != null "; nwstr != gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf) ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "Unicode String < null "; nwstr < gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf) ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "Unicode String A <= B "; nwstr <= gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf) ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "Unicode String > null "; nwstr > gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf) ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; cout << "Unicode String >= null "; nwstr >= gxLTCHAR("", wsbuf) ? cout << 'y' : cout << 'n'; cout << "\n"; // Test the global pointer reset functions // NOTE: A reset is only required if the global nulls have // been accidentally modified. nstr.ResetGlobalNull(); nwstr.ResetGlobalNull(); cout << "\n"; cout << "Exiting NULL string test" << "\n"; PausePrg(); } int main() { #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ InitLeakTest(); #endif MixedStringTest(); NULLStringTest(); ASCIIStringTest(); UNICODEStringTest(); cout << "All tests complete. Exiting..." << "\n"; return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------- // // --------- End of File --------- // // ------------------------------- //