// ------------------------------- // // -------- Start of File -------- // // ------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // C++ Source Code File Name: testprog.cpp // C++ Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC // Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team // File Creation Date: 03/21/1997 // Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016 // Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This is a test program for the terminal interface class. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // #include "gxdlcode.h" // This directive must be defined to use the terminal I/O class #if !defined (__USE_TERMINAL_IO__) int main() { return 0; } // No test for native types #else #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include "terminal.h" #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ #include "leaktest.h" #endif const int selections = 10; const int functions = 10; typedef void (*MF)(); // Function pointer to menu functions void Exit(); void CursorPositionTest(); // Full screen cursor test void Dialogs(); // User interface functions void InputFunctions(); // Test input functions void StatusLine(); // Status line function void Justification(); // Test right, left, and center justification void VideoTest(); // Test video attributes void KBWait(); // Test KBWait function void ScanCodes(); // Display keyboard scan codes void GetTerm(); // Get the terminal type const char *MainMenu[selections] = { "(0) - To exit this program", "(1) - Cursor position test", "(2) - Standard dialog test", "(3) - Input function test", "(4) - Status line test", "(5) - Line justification test", "(6) - Video attributes test", "(7) - Key board wait test", "(8) - Display keyboard scancodes", "(9) - Get the terminal type" }; MF MMFunctions[functions] = { &Exit, &CursorPositionTest, // Full screen cursor test &Dialogs, // User interface functions &InputFunctions, // Test input functions &StatusLine, // Status line function &Justification, // Test right, left, and center justification &VideoTest, // Test video attributes &KBWait, // Test KBWait function &ScanCodes, // Display keyboard scan codes &GetTerm // Get the terminal type }; void Menu() { const char *title = "TERMINAL CLASS TEST PROGRAM'S MAIN MENU" ; Coords *p = new Coords(0, 0); p->SetX(terminal->Center(title)); p->SetY(terminal->ScreenCenter(selections)); terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write(title, p->XPos(), p->YPrev()); for(int i = 0; i < selections; i++) terminal->Write(MainMenu[i], p->XPos(), p->YOffset(1)); terminal->Write((char *)"Press the number of your selection >", p->XPos(), p->YOffset(2)); delete p; } void ProcessArgs() { int c; while(1) { Menu(); c = terminal->GetChar(); switch(tolower(c)) { case '0': (*MMFunctions[0]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function return; case '1': (*MMFunctions[1]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '2': (*MMFunctions[2]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '3': (*MMFunctions[3]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '4': (*MMFunctions[4]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '5': (*MMFunctions[5]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '6': (*MMFunctions[6]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '7': (*MMFunctions[7]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '8': (*MMFunctions[8]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; case '9': (*MMFunctions[9]) (); // Call the appropriate menu function break; default: break; } } } int main() { #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ InitLeakTest(); #endif terminal->init(); // Initialize the terminal ProcessArgs(); // Enter main communications loop terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->finish(); // Restore the terminal before exiting return 0; } void ScanCodes() { char c; int x, y; terminal->ClearScreen(); x = y = 0; terminal->Write((char *)"Displaying keyboard scan codes...", x, y); y = y+2; terminal->Write((char *)"Type keys. Press Esc when finished",x ,y); y = y+2; terminal->MoveCursor(x, y); while ((c = terminal->GetChar()) != termEscapeKey) { y = y+1; terminal->Write((char *)"The ", x, y); terminal->Write(c); terminal->Write((char *)" key value is: "); terminal->Write((int)c & 255); if(y > terminal->MaxLines()-1) { terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write((char *)"Type keys. Press Esc when finished",0 ,0); y = 2; terminal->MoveCursor(x, y); } } terminal->ClearScreen(); } void CursorPositionTest() { terminal->ClearScreen(); const char Pop = '*'; // Display cursor position character short x = 0, y = 0; unsigned char lastc = 0; unsigned char c = 0; char *sl = "U-up, D-down, L-left, R-right, Esc to quit..."; int len = strlen(sl); while (c != termEscapeKey) { terminal->StatusLine(sl); terminal->Write((char *)"x: ", len + 5, terminal->MaxLines()-1); terminal->Write(x); terminal->Write((char *)" y: "); terminal->Write(y); terminal->MoveCursor(x, y); c = terminal->GetChar(); switch (tolower(c)) { case ' ': case '\r': terminal->Write(Pop, x, y); terminal->PutBack(lastc); break; case 'u': // up cursor if (y-- == 0) y = terminal->MaxLines()-1; lastc = c; break; case 'd': // down cursor if (++y == terminal->MaxLines()-1) y = 0; // Avoid status line lastc = c; break; case 'l': // left cursor if (x-- == 0) x = terminal->MaxCols()-1; lastc = c; break; case 'r': // right cursor if (++x == terminal->MaxCols()) x = 0; lastc = c; break; default: break; } } terminal->ClearScreen(); } void VideoTest() { int x, y; x = y = 0; terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write((char *)"Testing video attributes...", x, y); y = y+2; terminal->StandOut((char *)"Stand Out video mode", x, y); y = y+2; terminal->Write((char *)"Normal text", x, y); y = y+2; terminal->AnyKey(x, y); terminal->ClearScreen(); } void Justification() { terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write((char *)"Testing left, center, and right justification", 0, 0); char *fox = "This quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; char *nums = "0123456789"; char *alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; terminal->Write(nums, 0, 2); terminal->Write(nums, terminal->Center(nums), 4); terminal->Write(nums, terminal->Right(nums), 6); terminal->Write(alpha, 0, 8); terminal->Write(alpha, terminal->Center(alpha), 10); terminal->Write(alpha, terminal->Right(alpha), 12); terminal->Write(fox, 0, 14); terminal->Write(fox, terminal->Center(fox), 16); terminal->Write(fox, terminal->Right(fox), 18); terminal->AnyKey(0, 20); terminal->ClearScreen(); } void InputFunctions() { terminal->ClearScreen(); Coords *pos = new Coords(0, 0); terminal->Write((char *)"Testing input functions...", pos->XPos(), pos->YPos()); terminal->Write((char *)"Enter a string: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); char buf[81]; terminal->GetString(buf); terminal->Write((char *)"You entered: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->Write(buf); terminal->Write((char *)"Enter a password: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->GetPassword(buf); terminal->Write((char *)"You entered: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->Write(buf); terminal->Write((char *)"Enter a number: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); int num = terminal->GetInt(); terminal->Write((char *)"You entered: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->Write(num); terminal->Write((char *)"Enter a floating point number: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); double fp = terminal->GetFloat(); terminal->Write((char *)"You entered: ", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->Write(fp); terminal->AnyKey(pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->ClearScreen(); delete pos; } void KBWait() { terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write((char *)"Testing KBWait() function...", 0, 0); terminal->AnyKey(0, 1); int i, j = 0; for(;;) { // Continue processing until any key is pressed for(i = 0; i < terminal->MaxCols(); i++) { terminal->Write('*', i, j); } j++; if(terminal->KBWait()) break; } terminal->ClearScreen(); } void Dialogs() { Coords *pos = new Coords(0, 0); terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write((char *)"Testing standard dialogs functions...", pos->XPos(), pos->YPos()); int yn = terminal->YesNo(pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); if(yn) terminal->Write((char *)"You pressed \'y\' to continue", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->MoveCursor(pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); yn = terminal->YesNo(); if(!yn) terminal->Write((char *)"You pressed \'n\' not to continue", pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->AnyKey(pos->XPos(), pos->YOffset(2)); terminal->ClearScreen(); delete pos; } void StatusLine() { terminal->ClearScreen(); terminal->Write((char *)"Testing status line functions...",0, 0); terminal->StatusLine((char *)"Normal mode bottom, left justified status line"); terminal->AnyKey(0, 2); terminal->ClearScreen(); } void GetTerm() { terminal->ClearScreen(); if(getenv("TERM")) { terminal->Write((char *)"The TERM variable is set: ", 0, 0); terminal->Write(terminal->GetTerm()); } else terminal->Write((char *)"The TERM variable is not set.", 0, 0); terminal->Write((char *)"The maximum number of lines = ", 0, 1); terminal->Write(terminal->MaxLines()); terminal->Write((char *)"The maximum number of columns = ", 0, 2); terminal->Write(terminal->MaxCols()); terminal->AnyKey(0, 4); terminal->ClearScreen(); } void Exit() { return; } #endif // __USE_TERMINAL_IO__ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------- // // --------- End of File --------- // // ------------------------------- //