// ------------------------------- // // -------- Start of File -------- // // ------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // C++ Source Code File Name: gxsfile.cpp // C++ Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC // Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team // File Creation Date: 09/20/1999 // Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016 // Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA The gxsFile class is used to move data to and from disk files using the device cache. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // #include "gxdlcode.h" #if defined (__USE_ANSI_CPP__) // Use the ANSI Standard C++ library #include <iostream> #else // Use the old iostream library by default #include <iostream.h> #endif // __USE_ANSI_CPP__ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "gxsfile.h" gxsFile::gxsFile(int CacheSize) : cache(CacheSize) { ready_for_writing = ready_for_reading = 1; cache.Connect(this); stream_sock = 0; datagram_sock = 0; serial_port = 0; } void gxsFile::Read(void *buf, unsigned Bytes, gxDeviceTypes dev) { switch(dev) { case gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE: if(!infile) { ready_for_reading = 0; return; } else { ready_for_reading = 1; } if(infile.df_Read((char *)buf, Bytes) != DiskFileB::df_NO_ERROR) { DeviceErrorHandler(infile.df_ExceptionMessage()); } break; case gxDEVICE_STREAM_SOCKET: if(!stream_sock) { ready_for_reading = 0; return; } else { ready_for_reading = 1; } if(stream_sock->ReadRemoteBlock((char *)buf, curr_stream_hdr) != 0) DeviceErrorHandler(stream_sock->SocketExceptionMessage()); break; case gxDEVICE_DATAGRAM_SOCKET: if(!datagram_sock) { ready_for_reading = 0; return; } else { ready_for_reading = 1; } if(datagram_sock->ReadRemoteBlock((char *)buf, curr_datagram_hdr) != 0) DeviceErrorHandler(datagram_sock->SocketExceptionMessage()); break; case gxDEVICE_SERIAL_PORT: if(!serial_port) { ready_for_reading = 0; return; } else { ready_for_reading = 1; } if(serial_port->ReadBlock((char *)buf, curr_serial_hdr) != 0) DeviceErrorHandler(serial_port->SerialCommExceptionMessage()); break; case gxDEVICE_NULL: break; default: break; } } void gxsFile::Write(const void *buf, unsigned Bytes, gxDeviceTypes dev) { switch(dev) { case gxDEVICE_CONSOLE: GXSTD::cout.write((char *)buf, Bytes); break; case gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE: if(!outfile) { ready_for_writing = 0; return; } else { ready_for_writing = 1; } if(outfile.df_Write((char *)buf, Bytes) != DiskFileB::df_NO_ERROR) { DeviceErrorHandler(outfile.df_ExceptionMessage()); } break; case gxDEVICE_STREAM_SOCKET: if(!stream_sock) { ready_for_writing = 0; return; } else { ready_for_writing = 1; } if(stream_sock->WriteBlock((char *)buf, Bytes) != 0) DeviceErrorHandler(stream_sock->SocketExceptionMessage()); break; case gxDEVICE_DATAGRAM_SOCKET: if(!datagram_sock) { ready_for_writing = 0; return; } else { ready_for_writing = 1; } if(datagram_sock->WriteBlock((char *)buf, Bytes) != 0) DeviceErrorHandler(datagram_sock->SocketExceptionMessage()); break; case gxDEVICE_SERIAL_PORT: if(!serial_port) { ready_for_writing = 0; return; } else { ready_for_writing = 1; } if(serial_port->WriteBlock((char *)buf, Bytes) != 0) DeviceErrorHandler(serial_port->SerialCommExceptionMessage()); break; case gxDEVICE_NULL: break; default: break; } } int gxsFile::CopyFileToStreamSocket(gxStream *s, FAU_t &byte_count) // Copy a disk file to a stream socket. Returns true if no errors // occurred. NOTE: This function assumes that file has been open // by the calling OpenInputFile/OpenOutputFile function and the // socket has already been initialized. The calling function is // responsible for flushing the cache buffers and closing any // open disk files. { if(!infile) return 0; if(!s) return 0; stream_sock = s; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_STREAM_SOCKET; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Input device // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the file into the cache byte_count = LoadFile(p, infile.df_Length()); return 1; } int gxsFile::CopyFileToDatagramSocket(gxDatagram *s, FAU_t &byte_count) // Copy a disk file to a datagram socket. Returns true if no errors // occurred. NOTE: This function assumes that file has been open // by the calling OpenInputFile/OpenOutputFile function and the // socket has already been initialized. The calling function is // responsible for flushing the cache buffers and closing any // open disk files. { if(!infile) return 0; if(!s) return 0; datagram_sock = s; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_DATAGRAM_SOCKET; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the file into the cache byte_count = LoadFile(p, infile.df_Length()); return 1; } int gxsFile::CopyFileToSerialPort(gxSerialCommServer *s, FAU_t &byte_count) // Copy a disk file to a serial port. Returns true if no errors // occurred. NOTE: This function assumes that file has been open // by the calling OpenInputFile/OpenOutputFile function and the // port has already been initialized. The calling function is // responsible for flushing the cache buffers and closing any // open disk files. { if(!outfile) return 0; if(!s) return 0; serial_port = s; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_SERIAL_PORT; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the file into the cache byte_count = LoadFile(p, infile.df_Length()); return 1; } int gxsFile::CopyFileToFile(FAU_t &byte_count) // Copy a disk file to another disk file . Returns true if no errors // occurred. NOTE: This function assumes that files have been open // by the calling OpenInputFile/OpenOutputFile function. The calling // function is responsible for flushing the cache buffers and closing // any open disk files. { if(!infile) return 0; if(!outfile) return 0; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the file into the cache byte_count = LoadFile(p, infile.df_Length()); return 1; } FAU_t gxsFile::LoadFile(gxDeviceCachePtr p, FAU_t end_of_file) // Load a file from disk into the device cache. Returns the // number bytes read from the file. { FAU_t byte_count = (FAU_t)0; // The file is smaller then one block if(end_of_file <= (FAU_t)MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE) { byte_count = end_of_file; p.Alloc((unsigned)end_of_file); // Load the cache bucket } else { // The file is larger then one block while(end_of_file > (FAU_t)MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE) { byte_count += MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE; p.Alloc(MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE); // Load the cache bucket end_of_file -= MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE; if(end_of_file <= (FAU_t)MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE) { byte_count += end_of_file; p.Alloc((unsigned)end_of_file); // Load the cache bucket break; } else continue; } } return byte_count; } int gxsFile::OpenInputFile(const char *in) // Open the file if it exists. Returns false // it the file cannot be opened or if it does // not exist. { infile.df_Open(in); if(!infile) return 0; return 1; } int gxsFile::OpenOutputFile(const char *out) // Open the specified file for writing and truncate // it. Returns false if the file cannot be opened. { outfile.df_Create(out); if(!outfile) return 0; return 1; } int gxsFile::CopyStreamSocketToFile(gxStream *s, gxBlockHeader &gxs) { if(!s) return 0; stream_sock = s; curr_stream_hdr = gxs; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_STREAM_SOCKET; // Input device // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the cache buckets p.Alloc((__ULWORD__)gxs.block_length); return 1; } int gxsFile::CopyDatagramSocketToFile(gxDatagram *s, gxBlockHeader &gxs) { if(!s) return 0; datagram_sock = s; curr_datagram_hdr = gxs; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_DATAGRAM_SOCKET; // Input device // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the cache buckets p.Alloc((__ULWORD__)gxs.block_length); return 1; } void gxsFile::CloseOutputFile() { outfile.df_Close(); } void gxsFile::CloseInputFile() { infile.df_Close(); } void gxsFile::Flush() { cache.Flush(); } int gxsFile::CopySerialPortToFile(gxSerialCommServer *s, gxBlockHeader &gxs) { if(!outfile) return 0; if(!s) return 0; serial_port = s; curr_serial_hdr = gxs; gxDeviceTypes o_device = gxDEVICE_DISK_FILE; // Output device gxDeviceTypes i_device = gxDEVICE_SERIAL_PORT; // Input device // Setup a pointer to the cache buckets gxDeviceCachePtr p(cache, o_device, i_device); // Load the cache buckets p.Alloc((__ULWORD__)gxs.block_length); return 1; } void gxsFile::DeviceErrorHandler(const char *mesg) { // Display the device error and exit the program GXSTD::cout << mesg << "\n"; exit(0); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------- // // --------- End of File --------- // // ------------------------------- //