// ------------------------------- // // -------- Start of File -------- // // ------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // C++ Source Code File Name: testprog.cpp // Compiler Used: MSVC, BCC32, GCC, HPUX aCC, SOLARIS CC // Produced By: DataReel Software Development Team // File Creation Date: 01/25/2000 // Date Last Modified: 06/17/2016 // Copyright (c) 2001-2025 DataReel Software Development // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------- Program Description and Details ------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This program is used to test gxsHTML classes. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // #include "gxdlcode.h" #if defined (__USE_ANSI_CPP__) // Use the ANSI Standard C++ library #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Use unqualified names for Standard C++ library #else // Use the old iostream library by default #include <iostream.h> #endif // __USE_ANSI_CPP__ #include <stdlib.h> #include "gxshtml.h" #include "gxs_ver.h" #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ #include "leaktest.h" #endif // Version number and program name const double ProgramVersionNumber = gxSocketVersion; const char *ProgramName = "gxsHTML test program"; // Program globals int parsing_tags = 0; int listing_doc_tags = 0; int listing_supported_tags = 0; int CopyToMemory(const char *fname, MemoryBuffer &membuf) { membuf.Clear(); const unsigned buf_size = 1024; char sbuf[buf_size]; DiskFileB f(fname); if(!f) return f.df_GetError(); while(!f.df_EOF()) { if(f.df_Read((char *)sbuf, buf_size) != DiskFileB::df_NO_ERROR) { if(f.df_GetError() != DiskFileB::df_EOF_ERROR) return f.df_GetError(); } membuf.Cat((char *)sbuf, f.df_gcount()); } f.df_Close(); return 0; } void ParseTags(const char *fname) { gxsHTML html; cout << "\n"; cout << "Parsing " << fname << "\n"; if(html.LoadHTMLFile(fname) != 0) { html.df_ExceptionMessage(); return; } cout << "Found " << html.NumTags() << " tags" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Parsing in-memory copy of " << fname << "\n"; MemoryBuffer membuf; if(CopyToMemory(fname, membuf) != 0) { html.df_ExceptionMessage(); return; } if(html.LoadMemoryBuffer(membuf) != 0) { cout << "A memory error occurred" << "\n"; return; } cout << "Found " << html.NumTags() << " tags" << "\n"; cout << "Found " << html.NumScripts() << " scripts" << "\n"; cout << "Found " << html.NumStyleSheets() << " style sheets" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; } void PrintTagInfo(const gxsHTMLTagInfo &t) { cout << "----- Tag's file information-----" << "\n"; cout << "Tag file position (start): " << (long)t.start_tag << "\n"; cout << "Tag file position (end): " << (long)t.end_tag << "\n"; cout << "Tag's total length <---->: " << t.tag_length << "\n"; cout << "----- Tag Infomation ------" << "\n"; cout << "Tag ID----: " << t.tag_id << "\n"; cout << "Tag ------: " << t.tag.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Attributes: " << t.attr.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "Original tag: " << t.tag_info.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "----- Tag instructions -----" << "\n"; if(t.start_instruction) cout << "Start of tag instruction" << "\n"; if(t.end_instruction) cout << "End of tag instruction" << "\n"; if(t.has_attributes) cout << "This tag has attributes associated with it" << "\n"; cout << "\n"; } void ListSupportedTags() { gxsHTML html; for(int i = 0; i < gxsMAX_SUPPORTED_TAGS; i++) { cout << "<" << html.GetTag(i) << ">" << "\n"; } } void ListDocTags(const char *fname) { gxsHTML html; html.LoadHTMLFile(fname); if(!html) { cout << "Could not open the " << fname << " file!" << "\n"; return; } cout << "Found " << html.NumTags() << " tags" << "\n"; cout << "Found " << html.NumScripts() << " scripts" << "\n"; cout << "Found " << html.NumStyleSheets() << " style sheets" << "\n"; cout << "Press enter to continue" << "\n"; cin.get(); gxList<gxsHTMLTagInfo> *tag_list = html.GetTagList(); gxListNode<gxsHTMLTagInfo> *list_ptr = tag_list->GetHead(); while(list_ptr) { PrintTagInfo(list_ptr->data); list_ptr = list_ptr->next; } cout << "End of tags, listing scripts" << "\n"; cout << "Press enter to continue" << "\n"; cin.get(); gxList<gxsScriptInfo> *script_list = html.GetScriptList(); gxListNode<gxsScriptInfo> *script_ptr = script_list->GetHead(); while(script_ptr) { cout << "\n"; cout << script_ptr->data.script_code.c_str(); cout << "\n"; script_ptr = script_ptr->next; } cout << "End scripts listing embedded style sheets" << "\n"; cout << "Press enter to continue" << "\n"; cin.get(); gxList<gxsStyleInfo> *style_sheet_list = html.GetStyleSheetList(); gxListNode<gxsStyleInfo> *style_sheet_ptr = style_sheet_list->GetHead(); while(style_sheet_ptr) { cout << "\n"; cout << style_sheet_ptr->data.style_code.c_str(); cout << "\n"; style_sheet_ptr = style_sheet_ptr->next; } } void HelpMessage(const char *program_name, const double version_number) { cout << "\n"; cout.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); cout.precision(3); cout << "\n"; cout << program_name << " version " << version_number << "\n"; cout << "Usage: " << program_name << " [switches] infile.html" << "\n"; cout << "Example: " << program_name << " -l index.html" << "\n"; cout << "Switches: " << "\n"; cout << " -l = List all the tags found in an HTML document." << "\n"; cout << " -L = List all the tags supported by this program." << "\n"; cout << " -p = Parse all the supported tags in an HTML document." << "\n"; cout << "\n"; return; } int ProcessArgs(char *arg) { switch(arg[1]) { case 'l' : parsing_tags = 0; listing_doc_tags = 1; break; case 'L' : ListSupportedTags(); return 0; case 'p' : parsing_tags = 1; listing_doc_tags = 0; break; default: cerr << "\n"; cerr << "Unknown switch " << arg << "\n"; cerr << "Exiting..." << "\n"; cerr << "\n"; return 0; } arg[0] = '\0'; return 1; // All command line arguments were valid } // Program's main thread of execution. // ----------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) // NOTE: None of the MSVC compilers will expand wildcard characters // used in command-line arguments unless linked with the setargv.obj // library. All the UNIX compilers will expand wildcard characters // by default. { #ifdef __MSVC_DEBUG__ InitLeakTest(); #endif if(argc < 2) { HelpMessage(ProgramName, ProgramVersionNumber); return 0; } // Process command ling arguments and files int narg; char *arg = argv[narg = 1]; while (narg < argc) { if(arg[0] != '\0') { if(arg[0] == '-') { // Look for command line arguments if(!ProcessArgs(arg)) return 0; // Exit if argument is not valid } else { if(parsing_tags) { ParseTags((const char *)arg); } else if(listing_doc_tags) { ListDocTags((const char *)arg); } else { cout << "No operation specified!" << "\n"; cout << "Exiting..." << "\n"; } } arg = argv[++narg]; } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------- // // --------- End of File --------- // // ------------------------------- //