Encrypted Password Database Help Page

Source Code Builds
Building the Encrypted Password Database binaries from the source code repository will require you to build wxWidgets version 3.2.3 or higher. To download the wxWidgets source code please visit the wxWidgets home page and follow the latest download instructions for Linux wxGTK:https://www.wxwidgets.org
Building wxwidgets
Building the Encrypted Password Database Program
To build the latest release of the Encrypted Password Database:> mkdir -pv ${HOME}/git > git clone https://github.com/datareel/encrypted_password_database.git > cd encrypted_password_databaseSet up the build environment for the GUI build:
> cd ${HOME}/git/encrypted_password_database/env > vi linux.mak WXSRCDIR = $(HOME)/3plibs/wxWidgets-3.2.4Change the WXSRCDIR to your wxWidget build installation path.
> cd ${HOME}/git/encrypted_password_database/gui/linux > vi makefile make PROJECT=encrypted_password_database FINAL=1 64BITCFG=1 RHEL=8 -f ../../env/linux.mak install: ./install.sh clean: make PROJECT=encrypted_password_database FINAL=1 64BITCFG=1 RHEL=8 -f ../../env/linux.mak cleanChange the RHEL version to match your major RHEL release version from /etc/redhat-release
Run the make to build the GUI
> makeSet up the build environment for the command line utility build:
> cd ${HOME}/git/encrypted_password_database/console/linux > vi makefile SMARTCARD_DEMACS = -D__ENABLE_SMART_CARD__ -D__RHEL8__Change the RHEL version to match your major RHEL release version from /etc/redhat-release
Run the make to build the command line utility programs:
> make
Building wxWidgets
Instructions for building wxWidget for the Encrypted Password Database build. RHEL 8 required devel packages: > sudo dnf install *gtk*devel* *gnome*devel* *tiff*devel* *png*devel* *jpeg*devel* webkit*devel* libXxf86vm-devel expat-devel Download latest version and configure: > mkdir ${HOME}/3plibs > cd ${HOME}/3plibs > mkdir -pv logs > wget https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets/releases/download/v3.2.4/wxWidgets-3.2.4.tar.bz2 > tar xvf wxWidgets-3.2.4.tar.bz2 > cd wxWidgets-3.2.4 > ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/3plibs/wxWidgets --disable-shared --disable-pic --enable-html --enable-htmlhelp --enable-compat28 --enable-monolithic --with-gtk=3 | tee -a ../logs/wxWidgets_configure.log The final output of your configure command should be similar the output below: Configured wxWidgets 3.2.4 for `x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' Which GUI toolkit should wxWidgets use? GTK+ 3 with support for GTK+ printing Should wxWidgets be compiled into single library? yes Should wxWidgets be linked as a shared library? no Should wxWidgets support Unicode? yes (using wchar_t) What level of wxWidgets compatibility should be enabled? wxWidgets 2.8 yes wxWidgets 3.0 yes Which libraries should wxWidgets use? STL no jpeg sys png sys regex sys tiff sys lzma no zlib sys expat sys libmspack no sdl no Run a make and make install: > make | tee -a ../logs/wxWidgets_build.log > make install | tee -a ../logs/wxWidgets_build.log Test the build: > cd samples/minimal > make > ./minimal
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